Our Services

 Data Strategy

Data does not equal knowledge 

For data to be effectively used in making decisions, data must go through a transformation process, from data collection to data utilization. Through this process, data is collected and transformed into information, which becomes knowledge, if interpreted correctly. Let us help you collect and monitor progress towards your north star. This team has expertise with navigating K12 and higher education institutional research databases, creating surveys with Qualtrics, building dashboards in Tableau, and other platforms to develop and set your organization for success.


Research is centered on gaining knowledge 

Designing and carrying out research can involve primary or secondary data. We provide a wide range of research support for collecting and analyzing descriptive and inferential statistics to qualitative themes and story telling. Our team has experience deploying various data methods such as quantitative (survey) and qualitative (focus groups, interviews, observations) or mixed approaches. From  descirptive to randomized control trail studies. This team has experience carrying out randomized control trial experiments for the Department of Education - Education Innovation and Research program.


Evaluating in order to improve or assess impact

The purpose of evaluation is to render judgments about the value of the object under evaluation. This can include providing information to improve programs and/or assisting in decision-making, encourage stakeholder conversations, adding to our base of knowledge, or enhancing democracy by giving voice to those with less power. Allow us to do conduct a needs assessment, process, or impact evaluation. This team has designed evaluations for the American Association of State Colleges and Universities (AASCU), National Association of Student Personnel Administrators (NASPA), National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO), State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHHEO) and several other organizations.